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Year 4

We’re into the final term of the year! Let’s hope the summer term brings us lots of lovely weather so we can take our learning outside! This term our topic is ‘Vicious Vikings’. We will be learning about the Vikings in our topic lessons including looking at where they invaded, the history is the Vikings and weaving just like the Vikings used to. In science, we will learn about sound first to help us know more about how we hear. We will then learn more about different creatures and how they can be classified in a variety of ways.


You will have new homework set which can be found on the school website or a paper copy in your homework book. We loved seeing your amazing pieces of homework so far this year. Please remember to read and practice your times tables at home too as we have our multiplication tables check coming up in June. 


Mrs McIntyre and Miss Lobosco 

Year 4 Gallery


On Thursday 20th June, Year 4 went on a school trip to St Osyth Priory Education Centre for a Viking Vs Anglo Saxon day. The children loved the day and said it was “the time of their lives!”. We took part in a hunt for artefacts and crayon rubbings to create a picture linked to the story of Osyth. Next we went on a trailer ride pulled by a tractor round the site and saw cows, deer, black sheep and egrets - the children loved the ride! Lunch was enjoyed outside on the lawn in the sunshine and the children then played together. After that it was time to look at writing our name in Viking Runes and groups took it in turns to climb 103 steps to the top of the tower - they were all very brave! Everyone was brilliantly behaved and the day was one to remember. 


Year 4 have been working very hard on designing, sculpting and painting their own clay dragon eyes. They are very proud of the final piece of art! 

We’ve had some brilliant homework pieces brought in this term for our Viking topic! It is wonderful seeing the children love the topic too. 



We have started off our new Viking topic with some sketching in art. 

In Design and Technology, we loved cooking ourselves a ham and cheese toastie inspired by a Croque Monsieur linked to our topic ‘Passport to Europe‘. We followed the instructions ourselves and then enjoyed trying it when it was cooked. Lots of us tired even when we thought we wouldn’t like it - but we did!  



During Science Week, we researched and read about Thomas Edison. We created a leaflet and PowerPoint about his life and the things he invented. We also made posters about 'Time' in Science as this is the theme for this year. Our investigation was on our current topic 'Electricity'. We built a simple circuit and added different items to see which materials would conduct or insulate the current. 



We had so much fun dressing up for World Book Day and celebrating all the books we love reading!



In science, we have been learning about the Digestive System. We had fun when we replicated how food travels through different parts using different items such as a zip lock bag and tights! It was exciting and a bit disgusting! 


To start off our new topic in the Spring Term (Passport to Europe), we created passports and learnt about Claude Monet a famous French artist. We then took inspiration from his Waterlilies artwork and created our own paintings using watercolours. 

As part of our Christmas crafts we learnt how to cross stitch. We created Christmas trees using our new skill 🎄


In Year 4 we were lucky enough to take part in an Ancient Greek work shop. We were visited by a warrior from the Spartan army, who let us try on his armour.  We took part in a fact finding quiz and a Greek Olympics.  It was a wonderful learning experience!





We took part in a Roots to Food cooking workshop. We learnt to prepare Chicken Teriyaki from raw ingredients and then got to eat it!



In year 4 we know how important and enjoyable reading is. We love to read alone and share stories with our friends. 





For Anti-bullying Week 2023 we have been talking about the types of bullying and what to do if you see bullying happening or are being bullied. On Monday 13th November it was Odd Socks Day. We wore odd socks to celebrate our differences for the start of Anti-bullying Week. 

For Remembrance Day 2023 we created poppies for our class window. We discussed why we wear poppies and thought about those who have given their lives to help our country. 



In science, we have been learning about the water cycle. We made models of the cycle using paper plates. We could then use them to retell each stage.


In English we learnt the story ‘The Wild Girl’ and changed it to make our own versions. 


To start off our class topic ‘The Groovy Greeks’, we used chalk to draw Greek pillars. 


Reverend Peter visited our class as part of our RE lessons. We asked him questions to help us deepen our understanding of Christianity. 




