We hope you’ve have a lovely Christmas break with your families. This term our topic is ‘Passport to Europe’ where we will focus our learning mostly on France and some other European countries. In our history, we will learn more about the Anglo Saxons and the European countries they originated from. In PE we will be developing our dance skills and in Art using the pointillism technique used by famous French artist Seurat. Please keep practicing your times tables regularly in preparation for the Multiplication Check in June and read at home.
Mrs McIntyre and Ms Lobosco
Welcome back to a brand new school year and the beginning of Year 4! We are going to have lots of fun learning new things this year together with our first topic all about Ancient Greece. In English, we will be writing for a range of genres and learning our model text with actions, remember to show your family at home. In maths, we will develop our number knowledge around place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will continue to learn our times tables and improve our speed recalling them in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check in June. Please keep reading at home and completing any homework tasks.
Let's have a great first term!
Mrs McIntyre and Ms Lobosco
Year 4 Gallery
To begin our new topic "Passport to Europe", we used watercolours to replicate the Water Lillies art collections by famous French artist, Claude Monet.
As part of our DT and Christmas craft we’ve been learning to cross stitch and created a Christmas tree showing our new skill.
This year, we all dressed in PJs or Onesies for Children in Need. We also enjoyed meeting Pudsey! Here are some of our cosy outfits.
We've started out Ancient Greece topic off with lots of exciting lessons! In History, we had a class
debate on whether you would rather live in Sparta or Athens.
In Art, we have started our paper mache to create our own Greek Vases.
In science, we are learning about solids, liquids and gases. We made 'Oobleck' to try and decide which state it would be! We decided it had both elements of a solid and a liquid. It was also fun to play with!
For Remembrance Day 2024 we created a poppy wreath as a class.
Here is a display of all our work we've completed linked to our Ancient Greece topic. We are really proud of the work we've created.