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Parent Information

School Uniform

Our school uniform colours are navy blue and dark grey for skirts, winter pinafore dresses and trousers.  Our polo shirts are white.  Cardigans and sweatshirts are navy.


Summer dresses are blue and white checked.


Our PE kit is red shorts and a white t-shirt, with plimsolls or trainers.  PE kits are left in school and sent home half termly.


We ask that children have a water bottle and a coat in school every day.





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We would ask that parents do not watch their children swimming, except for the last week so that you can see their progress. The pool managers will also make sure that members of the public will not be able to use the cafeteria provision.

Have you downloaded the Teacher2Parents app?


We currently use Teacher2Parents to send useful messages and reminders to our families.  You can download the app free of charge from your app provider. 


We are delighted to inform you that we have recently signed up for SchoolMoney which works alongside Teacher2Parents to enable our parents to pay for school meals, swimming lessons and trips on-line.  


Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty in accessing either of these services.

Rules for taking photographs


Any photographs taken during school events are for personal use ONLY and not to be placed on social networks or in the public arena. Anyone who does not comply with this rule will be prosecuted. Please respect this ruling – thank you.
