Year 1 Gallery
Welcome to the Spring term Year 1! We have been noticing the seasonal changes as we moved from autumn and into winter. We are continuing to learn about the seasons, weather, animals and plants but this term we are doing this through the story Handa's Surprise. Handa, who lives in Kenya, takes seven delicious fruits to her friend in the next village. We will be spending time looking at, touching, smelling and tasting Handa's delicious tropical fruits. Later this term we will be designing and making our own fruit salads. After half term we will be learning about the Great Fire of London. The children will be finding out what happened in our capital city and will be designing and making their own fire engines. The children will continue to learn how to read and write independently through our daily Read Write inc phonics sessions. Reading books will be sent home every three or four days and can be read multiple times at home. Please make sure that your child has a school bag so that they can bring their reading book in to school every day. The children have also been given a set of sight words to practise with you and again please make sure that these are brought to school every day in their school bag. On Fridays the children can choose a reading for pleasure book from our class book box. This may be a book that you can read to them rather than them reading by themselves.
We have been using a story map to learn the story ‘How to Catch a Star’. We made our own stars.
We have been learning about how our brains work through our ‘My Happy Mind’ scheme. The soft toys are all characters that are helping us to learn how to have a happy healthy mind.
We have been learning all about autumn.
During anti-bullying week we learnt about caring for each other and how to be a good friend.