Home Page


Welcome to the Spring Term Reception! We recognise how important and special this year is for so many reasons and we aim to reflect that in all that we do throughout the year. We started the year by making sure the children were comfortable in their school environment. Making friends and building positive relationships with staff is a priority so we continue to have lots of time for play both independent or guided by the adults. Activities are carefully planned around our Talk for Writing texts, this term we are reading ‘Baby Mouse’ and ‘Sleepy Bumblebee’.


This term we will be asking the questions ‘Where do you live?’ and ‘Who is your superhero?’


We will be learning about different faiths and Celebrations as we take part in a Chinese New Year Themed Day as well as Cooking Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.


Mrs Wallis and Mrs Firkins 

EYFS Gallery 

Reception have enjoyed exploring both the indoor and outdoor areas of the classroom 

Remembrance Day 



This half term we have been telling the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ 


We have been talking about who is in our family and drew pictures for our class 'family gallery' in the home corner. 

We have been learning about Autumn

