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Year 5

Welcome to the Summer term Year 5, I can't believe this is our final term together! We will be continuing with an action packed curriculum and looking forward to our new topics. This term our overview is 'Wonderful World'. We will be focussing on the 'Shang Dynasty' and exploring all of the exciting things that happened around this period of time. We will also be learning about 'Living things, including humans' in Science which will also cover the differences between the different wildlife and how their lifecycles differ. I am hoping for a beach trip in the second half term (when the weather is a bit more reliable) and we will also be continuing with both swimming and our library trip.  I hope you have all had a restful Easter, I am looking  forward to a very busy term! 

Year 5 Gallery 

Printing the Shang Dynasty Symbols 


We really enjoyed making our Mayan Masks today. We researched different ideas and came up with our own designs.

World Book Day in Year5

Our School Trip to 'It's Rocket Science' 

Part 1 - The Introduction

Part 2 - The Experiment Room

Part 3 - Demonstration on the size of the planets

Part 4 - The Isaac Newton room




We went to the Naze on the 16th January to plant some some trees and bushes. We had a great time and learnt lots of interesting facts  about planting.

Last week we had a lady from Road Safety visiting. She gave us lots of helpful advice and we practised being safe crossing the road.


Today the children made  bread from scratch. They all designed their bread for a particular person and used ingredients of their choice.




Here are some examples of the Art work we have completed for Remembrance Day 

Remembrance Sunday Poems

some poems from Remembrance Sunday

Anti Bullying Week 2023 

We were lucky enough to have 'Roots to Food' visit us and we all had a go at making Teriyaki chicken. It was scrumptious! Well done to all of Year 5 for helping to prepare and taste their lovely food.
